Financial Overview

Statement of Condition

as of December 31, 2024


Bank Assets
Cash on hand and due from banks $308,347,000
U.S. Government and Agency Securities $248,380,000
Federal Funds & Other Securities $1,452,206,000
Total Loans (Net of Loan Loss Reserve) $6,325,203,000
Bank Buildings and Fixtures $127,917,000
Other Assets $295,333,000
Total Assets $8,757,386,000


Bank Liabilities & Capital
Deposits $7,494,758,000
Federal Funds & Repurchase Agreements $310,000,000
Other Liabilities $89,998,000
Capital Stock $15,170,000
Surplus $103,859,000
Undivided Profits and Reserves $733,265,000
Other Comprehensive Income $10,336,000
Total Liabilities & Capital $8,757,386,000


Trust Assets    
  (Book Value) (Market Value)
Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,600,758,000 $2,650,609,000
Equities $12,358,955,000 $22,180,417,000
Fixed Securities $14,073,805,000 $14,273,576,000
Tax Free $204,665,000 $192,785,000
Miscellaneous $374,836,000 $778,445,000
Total Trust Assets $29,613,019,000 $40,075,832,000


Trust Liabilities
  (Book Value) (Market Value)
Profit Sharing & Pension Accounts $4,054,736,000 $5,021,029,000
529 College Savings Accounts $14,265,698,000 $17,916,997,000
Corporate Trust Accounts $337,145,000 $381,305,000
Personal Trusts and Estates $1,136,424,000 $3,295,580,000
Agency, Custodial, Managed Accounts $9,819,016,000 $13,460,921,000
Total Trust Liabilities $29,613,019,000 $40,075,832,000

Investment products: Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — May Lose Value.