Financial Overview

Statement of Condition

as of June 30, 2024


Bank Assets
Cash on hand and due from banks $102,753,000
U.S. Government and Agency Securities $233,184,000
Federal Funds & Other Securities $1,543,147,000
Total Loans (Net of Loan Loss Reserve) $6,197,741,000
Bank Buildings and Fixtures $124,307,000
Other Assets $299,528,000
Total Assets $8,500,660,000


Bank Liabilities & Capital
Deposits $6,588,750,000
Federal Funds & Repurchase Agreements $947,940,000
Other Liabilities $109,841,000
Capital Stock $15,170,000
Surplus $103,859,000
Undivided Profits and Reserves $725,354,000
Other Comprehensive Income $9,746,000
Total Liabilities & Capital $8,500,660,000


Trust Assets    
  (Book Value) (Market Value)
Cash and Cash Equivalents $3,092,546,000 $3,149,801,000
Equities $17,483,250,000 $28,917,016,000
Fixed Securities $18,134,743,000 $18,153,667,000
Tax Free $201,614,000 $189,614,000
Miscellaneous $364,982,000 $778,602,000
Total Trust Assets $39,277,135,000 $51,188,700,000


Trust Liabilities
  (Book Value) (Market Value)
Profit Sharing & Pension Accounts $3,920,710,000 $4,822,385,000
529 College Savings Accounts $24,208,630,000 $29,556,482,000
Corporate Trust Accounts $388,574,000 $422,589,000
Personal Trusts and Estates $983,490,000 $3,112,260,000
Agency, Custodial, Managed Accounts $9,775,731,000 $13,274,984,000
Total Trust Liabilities $39,277,135,000 $51,188,700,000

Investment products: Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — May Lose Value.