• Participant Resources

    Your Retirement Goals

    Reach the retirement you envision

    Whether you’re just getting started or are approaching or even in retirement, UBT has the people, tools, and information to help you make the most of your retirement savings.

  • Your Early Years

    Set Yourself Up for Success

    The most important step is getting started

    This stage in your life — typically your 20s — presents a tremendous opportunity to get ahead in saving for your retirement. The key is simply getting started, then letting the power of compounding work for you over time. Your future self will thank you for it!

  • Mid-Career

    Your Busiest Years

    Further your career and your retirement savings

    Many of life’s biggest milestones occur during these years: starting a family, buying a home, sending a child to college, or helping aging parents — all while trying to gain momentum professionally and excel in your career. It’s a juggling act, but you can leverage your growing salary into retirement savings that will really pay off down the road.

  • Approaching Retirement

    A Time of Transition

    Maximize your retirement savings

    Typically for people in their 50s, this is an empowering time. You’re more established in your career, have hit your peak earning years, and have accomplished many goals. Your kids are grown and making their own way. From a financial standpoint, one of your most important goals is still on the horizon: your retirement. It’s critical at this point to properly manage your money, invest for the future, control taxes, and plan your legacy.

  • In Retirement

    The Next Chapter in Life

    Enjoying the fruits of your labor

    Congratulations — you’ve worked hard to reach this amazing milestone. What’s next for you? Travel? Starting a business? Philanthropic efforts? Whatever it is, your retirement planning and strategies haven’t come to an end. In fact, you’ll need to pay careful attention to money management, ongoing investments, minimizing taxes, and estate planning.


Plan Rollovers

If you’re not at your old job, why is your 401(k)?

Rolling your 401(k) into an IRA at Union Bank gives you greater control over your investments, along with tax advantages.

Retirement Education Consultants

Our team will help you get there

A wealth of resources is available to help you make the right decisions and make the most of your retirement savings. Backed by a team of people who care, we’ll help keep you on track to reach your retirement goals.

A headshot of Caitlin Moore

Annual Dollar Limits

Contribution Limits

Frequently Asked Questions

Investment products: Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — May Lose Value.