Market Recap: August 2024

September 03, 2024
Market Recap blog header August 2024

Market commentary

  • The Labor Department revised job figures downward, indicating that 818,000 fewer jobs were added from April 2023 through March 2024 than initially reported.
  • Reflecting an upturn in private inventory investment, an acceleration in consumer spending, and offset by a downturn in residential fixed investment, second quarter GDP estimates indicate the economy expanded at an annual rate of 3.0%.
  • Demonstrating improved optimism about the future, and despite concerns about the labor market, Consumer Confidence improved in August.

Select economic and market data

Statistic (monthly unless noted)



U.S. GDP (quarterly) 3.0% 1.4%
Consumer Confidence 103.3 100.3
Consumer Price Index Y/Y 2.9% 3.0%
Core PCE (x food & energy) 2.6% 2.6%
ISM Manufacturing Index 47.2 46.8
Unemployment Rate 4.3% 4.1%
2-Year Treasury Yield 3.92% 4.26%
10-Year Treasury Yield 3.90% 4.03%



  • Following sharp declines in early August, most indices rallied to finish the month with positive returns.
  • The S&P 500 posted a 2.4% gain in August, exhibiting a fourth straight month of positive returns, while the small-cap Russell 2000 index declined.
Graph of August 2024 Equities returns


Fixed income

  • In anticipation of Federal Reserve easing, bond yields fell across all maturities, with the 10-year Treasury decreasing from 4.26% to 3.92% during the month.
  • The yield curve inversion nearly ended in August, with the 2-year Treasury yielding just 3 bps more than the 10-year at month-end.
Graph of August 2024 Fixed Income returns



Strategic outlook

  • Some caution warranted on equities in the near-term, particularly in high-growth large cap stocks after recent rally; currently favoring small-cap and mid-cap domestic stocks longer-term.
  • Above average volatility is likely given central bank involvement and geopolitical uncertainty.
  • Near average expected returns projected for fixed income after period of rising rates and bond market sell‐off.
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