Retirement Calculators

October 08, 2019
A guide to our retirement calculators

401(k) Savings

A 401(k) can be one of your best tools for creating your retirement. It provides you with two important advantages. First, all contributions and earnings to your 401(k) are tax-deferred. You only pay taxes on contributions and earnings when the money is withdrawn. Second, many employers provide matching contributions to your 401(k) account. The combined result is a retirement savings plan you cannot afford to pass up.

Use the 401(k) Savings Calculator


How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?

Use this calculator to see how long your retirement savings will last. This is based on your retirement savings and your inflation adjusted withdrawals.

Calculate How Long Your Savings Will Last


Roth vs. Traditional 401(k)

A 401(k) contribution can be an effective retirement tool. As of January 2006, there is a new type of 401(k) - the Roth 401(k). The Roth 401(k) allows you to contribute to your 401(k) account on an after-tax basis - and pay no taxes on qualifying distributions when the money is withdrawn. For some investors, this could prove to be a better option than contributing on a pre-tax basis, where deposits are subject to taxes when the money is withdrawn. Use this calculator to help determine the best option for your retirement.

Use the Roth vs. Traditional Calculator


Retirement Pension Planner

Do you know what it takes to work towards the retirement you envision? Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan. View your retirement savings balance and your withdrawals for each year until the end of your retirement. Social Security is calculated on a sliding scale based on your income. Including a non-working spouse in your plan increases your Social Security benefits up to, but not over, the maximum.

Use the Pension Planner Calculator


Retirement Account Contribution Accelerator

A retirement savings program can be one of the best tools you can use for creating a secure retirement. One of the valuable features of many plans is the Contribution Accelerator option which allows you to increase your contributions consistently and automatically each year. With this feature you don't have to remember to increase your contributions; Contribution Accelerator does it for you, allowing you to build your account balance faster. This calculator helps you project what your savings could be if you were to automatically increase your payroll savings each year using Contribution Accelerator (or manually increasing your contributions each year if you don't have the Contribution Accelerator feature).

Use the Account Contribution Accelerator Calculator



Social Security Benefits 

Do you wonder how much you might receive in Social Security? Use this calculator to help you estimate your Social Security benefits. Remember, this is only an estimate. Your actual benefits may vary depending on your actual work history and income.

Use the Social Security Benefits Calculator


Snowball Debt Elimination

The Snowball Debt Elimination Calculator applies a simple principle to paying off your debt. When a balance paid off, add its monthly payment to your next debt's payment. This continues until you have snowballed through all of your balances and your debt is paid in full. The calculator can also apply an additional monthly amount accelerate the debt pay off.

Use the Debt Elimination Calculator


  • Personal
  • Retirement
  • Approaching Retirement
  • In Retirement
  • Mid-Career
  • Early Years
  • Retirement Plan Sponsor

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