Autism Family Network

The logo for Autism Family Network


There are over 10,000 children with disabilities in Lincoln and Lancaster County; over 1,000 of them are autistic. Raising a child with a disability comes with challenges that no family can ever fully prepare for. It is confusing navigating the medical, educational and community systems that provide services; families often feel isolated, frustrated, and exhausted. The Autism Family Network (AFN) is a community resource not only for families with autistic children, but also other developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, and physical disabilities. AFN provides support to families with children with disabilities in four key areas: providing education and training; advocating for supports, services, and inclusion; hosting recreational and social activities; and funding special needs and crisis support. If selected to receive a $100,000 grant from UBT, we would use the funds to expand our programming and outreach efforts in these four areas as noted below. These programs benefit children with disabilities and their families by providing critical information and support that eases the challenges they face.

Providing Education and Training 

  1. Host a conference in Lincoln for families and professionals with valuable information regarding autism, transition planning, and disability rights.
  2. Offer parent networking and support programs.
  3. Create printed informational materials for pediatricians and childcare centers to provide to families with resources for identification and support for autistic children and other children with disabilities. Advocating for Supports, Services, and Inclusion.
  4. Increase availability for our disability advocate to assist families in navigating the medical, educational, and community barriers for autistic children and other children with disabilities. Hosting Recreational and Social Activities 
  5. Expand current young adult art club by adding a youth art club. Funding Special Needs and Crisis Support 
  6. Increase scholarship funds for families to access communication devices, tracking devices for children who wander or elope, the Lincoln Autism Water Safety Program, and summer camp opportunities. 
  7. Provide emergency funds for families in crisis situations.

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Thank you to every nonprofit who submitted an application for The Big Give. We're inspired by your ideas on how to improve our community. 

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