Sweep Services

With sweep services from UBT, every account’s a winner

Maximize your money’s earning potential by automatically moving funds among accounts at the end of each business day.

How Sweeps Work

Make the most of your money

We’ll work together to set a target balance for your account; then, at the end of each business day, our service “sweeps” the account for excess funds and ensures that money is invested or used to pay down debt. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it way to put your money to work.

Find a sweep that’s right for your business

Investment sweep*

Each day, checking funds in excess of your predetermined target balance are transferred to your investment account. Conversely, if more funds are needed, money is transferred into your checking account from your investments.


Credit sweep

With help from your lender, you can also set up sweeps with a line of credit to help reduce your interest expense by automatically transferring dollars above and beyond your set balance as payments to your loan balance. Likewise, if you need funds for disbursements, funds will be automatically advanced from your credit line.


Combined sweeps

The best of both worlds — a combined sweep collects extra funds from all accounts, applies funds to your loan balance, then invests the rest in your investment account* to generate additional income. As a result, you’ll eliminate idle funds, minimize wasted time and labor costs, maximize interest income, and reduce interest expense.


Zero balance accounts

Looking to consolidate your cash? A zero balance account maintains a nightly balance of zero by automatically transferring funds to and from a master account. This also allows you to separate activity for payroll, wires, ACH, or deposits.

Frequently Asked Questions

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*Investment products: Not FDIC Insured — No Bank Guarantee — May Lose Value.