Popping up at Union Bank Place: Truth Papers

September 09, 2024
Lindsay Griepenstroh stands at her vintage letter press machine

Spreading love through paper is Lindsay Griepenstroh’s main mission.

Combining modern design elements with the muscle of a century-old antique letterpress, Lindsay has pressed out a creative niche for herself with her stationery business, Truth Papers. We’re proud to announce that the Dannebrog, Nebraska native will take up residency in the Small Business Pop-Up Shop in Union Bank Place starting in September and sell her stationery products there through the bustling holiday season. She’ll be there every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

A few years ago, Lindsay began combining her graphic design background, quirky and punny quotes, whimsical and unique illustrations, and old-school letterpress techniques to launch Truth Papers. Printed by hand, her thoughtful and interesting designs contain a care and intentionality when gifted. 

Boasting unique products like cards for all occasions, notepads, stickers, and other prints, one of Lindsay’s favorite products to create are wedding invites. She also enjoys helping businesses with their branding for business cards, coasters, product tags, stationery, and more.

A UBT Small Business customer since her early days making cards and selling through Etsy, Lindsay has officially been in business for more than 4 years. While she mostly sells at various vendor markets, you can also find some of her creations downtown at Tsuru clothing shop and at Bloom Coffee or The Coffee Roaster. 

While you’re waiting to check out Lindsay’s designs in person at Union Bank Place at 1248 O St in downtown Lincoln, make sure to jump over to her Facebook and Instagram accounts, check out her Etsy shop, or visit her website for more information on her products and services.

  • Personal
  • Small Business
  • Pop Up

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